The Current Statutes of the German Association for Asian Studies (DGA)

Please note that this translation of the Association’s original „Satzung“ is not legally binding.

§ 1. Name and Place of Business

(1) The organization bears the name “German Association for Asian Studies,” hereafter referred to as the Association.

(2) The seat of the Association is Hamburg. The establishment of branch offices is permissible, but requires the prior approval of the Executive Board.

(3) The Association is entered into the Register of Associations.

§ 2. Purpose of the Association

(1) The Association works solely and directly pursuant to charitable purposes, as outlined within the section “Tax-Privileged Purposes” of the German Tax Code.

(2) The purpose of the Association is the promotion of science and research, of national and vocational education and training, as well as student aid and the furtherance of tolerance in all areas of culture and international exchange.

(3) The purpose inscribed in the statutes is realized by the promotion of contemporary Asian studies, the dissemination of scientifically proven findings, the stimulation of the exchange of scientific information, experiences, and ideas, as well as by the intensification of cooperation between interested persons and institutions at the national and international levels. This purpose is pursued in particular through publications, conferences, lectures, and exhibitions, through the promotion of scientific and cultural exchange with Asian countries, as well as through recommendations made and the provision of information on all issues relating to Asian studies. The Association is also an advocate for the expansion and increase of chairs and scientific institutions for Asian Studies in the Federal Republic of Germany, and supports efforts to stir and increase interest in and understanding of Asia in the context of schools, vocational training, and adult education.

§ 3. Not-for-Profit

(1) The Association operates selflessly, and its primary ambition is not its own economic gain.

(2) The funds of the Association may only be used for the purposes outlined in its statutes. Members do not benefit from the funds of the Association. No one is entitled to claim expenses that are at odds with the express purposes of the Association, or to receive disproportionately high remuneration.

§ 4. Membership

(1) Any natural or legal person who recognizes the purposes of the Association and is willing to promote them can become a member.

(2) Admission must be sought through a written declaration of enrollment. The Executive Board has the right to accept corresponding members without voting rights. It may propose to the General Assembly that outstanding personalities be appointed honorary chairpersons and honorary members.

(3) Membership begins on receipt of first payment of the annual membership fee. Resignation is effective when declared in writing at the end of the financial year, with minimum quarterly advance notice.

(4) A member who harms the interests and objectives of the Association can be expelled by resolution of the General Assembly after having been given the opportunity to comment; the decision requires a two-thirds majority.

(5) The annual membership fee is determined at the General Assembly. It shall be collected by direct debit at the beginning of the calendar year. If, for reasons falling within the member’s realm of responsibility, no direct debit is made and two further attempts to collect the annual fee remain unsuccessful, the Executive Board may expel the member; any costs associated with this shall be borne by the member alone. The Executive Board is authorized to reduce, defer, or waive the annual membership fee in justified cases, and to determine an alternative means for the payment of it.

§ 5.  Association Organs

1.a) The General Assembly
b) The Executive Board
c) The Advisary Councils

§ 6. The General Assembly

(1) The General Assembly is the supreme decision-making body of the Association. It decides on all matters for which no other body is responsible under the statutes. The following in particular are its tasks:

(a) to receive the annual report, including the statement of accounts and to appoint auditors,
(b) to elect and recall the Executive Board,
(c) to dismiss the Executive Board,
d) to elect honorary chairpersons and honorary members,
(e) to determine the annual membership fee,
(f) the exclusion of members,
(g) amendments to the statutes, and
(h) to rule on the dissolution of the Association.

(2) The General Assembly shall meet as required, but at least once every two years. It shall be convened in writing by the chair of the Executive Board, sending a provisional agenda with a notice period of four weeks. A period of two weeks’ notice is sufficient for extraordinary, particularly urgent meetings. The Executive Board are obliged to call a General Assembly if one-tenth of members demand this in writing, clearly stating the purpose and reasons for that.

(3) A General Assembly at which a new Executive Board must be elected shall be convened with a period of notice of three months. Candidates standing for election to the Executive Board must be nominated in writing to the latter at least two months prior to the General Assembly. Later nominations are not permitted. Only those who have notified the Executive Board of their willingness to stand for election by that date and who have been nominated by at least five members shall be included in the list of candidates. The final list of candidates shall be announced to members in the form of a ballot paper at least one month prior to the General Assembly.

(4) The General Assembly has a quorum regardless of the number of members present. Each member who attends carries one vote. Members who are prevented from attending the General Assembly may exercise their voting rights in writing or transfer them in writing to a participating member. This also applies to the vote for the election of the Executive Board. No member may cast more than three votes in total. Resolutions are passed by a simple majority of votes. Resolutions on amendments to the statues of the Association require a two-thirds majority among all votes cast, and on the dissolution of the Association a three-quarters majority among the votes of all members.

(5) Motions applicable to the General Assembly shall be submitted to the Executive Board at least one week in advance of the meeting, and three months before if they aim at amending the statutes or dissolving the Association. The Executive Board shall submit the motions to the General Assembly.

(6) The chair of the Executive Board or one of their deputies shall chair the General Assembly. Minutes shall be taken at each General Assembly, and they are to be approved at the next General Assembly and kept in the files of the Executive Board. They shall be signed by the chair of the General Assembly and the keeper of the minutes.

(7) Members’ resolutions can also be brought about by the Executive Board in written form if circumstances are complex. They are equal in nature to resolutions passed at the General Assembly. In this case, all members are to be offered an explanation in writing with a period of three weeks’ notice. A transfer of votes is not permitted.

§ 7. Executive Board

(1) The Executive Board shall manage the Association in accordance with the resolutions of the General Assembly, conduct the business of the Association, administer its assets, and shall account for the use of funds allocated to the Association and its branches by third parties.

(2) The Executive Board consists of the chairperson, their two deputies, one managing director, and up to seven other members. The four countries/regions of China, Japan/Korea, South Asia, and Southeast Asia shall be represented on the Executive Board. The elected Executive Board may co-opt up to six further board members.

(3) Members of the Executive Board shall elected by the General Assembly for a period of two years. Re-election is permissible. The Executive Board elects its constituents from among its members in accordance with § 26 BGB (German Civil Code), the composition of which is regulated in § 7 (7). The Executive Board remains in office until the next election. If a member of the Executive Board resigns during his or her term of office, the other members of the Executive Board will appoint a suitable member of the Association for the remaining duration of the current election period as a substitute.

(4) The Executive Board meets its quorum if, in addition to the chairperson or their representative, four other members are present or represented by written power of attorney. The Executive Board makes its decisions with a majority of votes. In the event of a tie, the chairperson has the deciding vote. Board members who are prevented from attending an Executive Board meeting may exercise their voting rights in writing or transfer them in writing to a participating member. A general written resolution by the Executive Board is also possible.

(5) The Executive Board shall adopt rules of procedure and treasury regulations. Both have the significance of internal operating regulations. The Executive Board may set up an office and appoint full-time staff. The convening of the meetings of the Executive Board and of the General Assembly is the responsibility of the chairperson. They set the agendas.

(6) The work of the members of the Executive Board is essentially honorary. Expenses incurred by members of the Executive Board can be reimbursed. A contract of employment can be concluded with the managing director of the Executive Board.

(7) The Executive Board in the sense of § 26 BGB (German Civil Code) is made up of the chairperson, their two deputies, and the managing director. Two members of the Executive Board are jointly authorized to represent the Association.

(8) The Executive Board is authorized to decide on and implement amendments to the statutes alone, ones which are suggested by the Registry of Associations or by an authority body for reasons of applicable law or are of an editorial nature, provided that the principles contained in the statutes remain unchanged.

§ 8. The Advisory Councils

(1) The Advisory Councils promote the objectives of the Association, in particular by advising the Executive Board on research issues, providing suggestions for scientific work, and endeavoring to promote cooperation and the exchange of experience among the persons and institutions involved.

(2) Four Advisory Councils are established, one for China, one for Japan/Korea, one for South Asia, and one for Southeast Asia. Each Committee shall consist of no more than eight members. The different disciplines should be represented on the Committees. As a rule, Council members should also be members of the Association.

(3) The Advisory Councils are appointed by the Executive Board for a period of two years.

(4) The Advisory Councils are convened by the chairperson as required, if possible in connection with an Executive Board meeting. The chairperson, one of their deputies, or the managing director of the Executive Board shall chair their meetings. The members of the Executive Board may attend these meetings even if they do not belong to an Advisory Council.

(5) The work of the members of the Advisory Councils is honorary; expenses can be reimbursed. The provisions of § 6 (4) to (7) shall apply analogously to the resolutions of the Councils.

§ 9. Dissolution of the Association

In the event of the dissolution of the Association, or if the Tax-Privileged Purposes cease to apply, the assets of the Association shall pass to the GIGA Institute of Asian Studies, which shall use them directly and exclusively for charitable purposes.