Call for papers: DGA-Tagung Gegenwärtiges Asien / DGA Conference on Contemporary Asia 2023


Sustainability “Made in Asia” — Challenges, Trends and Opportunities

Call for papers

The German Association for Asian Studies (DGA) is inviting paper proposals for upcoming DGA Conference on Contemporary Asia, which will be held 14–16 September in Rostock, Germany. The conference language will be English. Presentations in German are possible if the entire panel will be conducted in German. The deadline for paper abstract submissions is 1 March, 2023, 6:00pm (CET).

To submit a paper abstract, please follow the link, select the panel from the list of panels that you are interested in. Click on a title, and you will find a detailed panel description and a form for submitting your paper proposal. Follow the instructions. Since each panel will only be able to accommodate 3-4 papers, we strongly advise early submission of paper proposals. If you have any questions on the respective panel please contact the panel convenor.

If you want to submit a proposal for an individual paper that does not seem to fit into any of the listed panels, please click at the respective link below the list. Only a limited number of individual papers not assigned to any panel will be accepted.

Paper proposals will be reviewed by the panel organizers in cooperation with the conference organisers. Notification of paper acceptance/rejection will be sent until 30 March 2023.

In addition to the call for papers the call for panels is also still open via the link However, this only applies to full panel proposals which already include the names panel presenters and title of papers (up to four). Proposals for panels based on roundtable discussions are also welcomed.

Registration for the conference will start on 1 March 2023.

Final acceptance as panel organiser and/or paper presenter requires conference registration until 15 May.This is necessary for issuing formal acceptance letters to participants who need to apply for a German visa. It also facilitates further planning and preparations and ensures that full information on all panels will be included in the printed conference materials.

Important dates

1 March 2023Start of conference registration Deadline for submission of paper proposals
30 March 2023Notification of acceptance/rejection of paper suggestions
30 April 2023Deadline for conference registration for panel organisers and paper presenters
1 June 2023Publication of conference programme
From 15 JulyLate conference registration (conference fee increase by € 15)

Conference fee (registration until 14 July 2023)*

DGA regular members€ 60
DGA student members (includes Ph.D. students)€ 35
Non-members, regular€ 175
Non-members, students (includes Ph.D. students)€ 100
Conference dinner (optional)tbd

*Conference fee increases by € 15 starting 15 July 2023.

Please note that DGA annual membership fee is € 110 for regular members and € 55 for students.

The conference fee includes the participation in all panels, key notes and the welcome reception as well as lunch and refreshments.

DGA will offer a small number of travel subsidies for PhD students who organise a panel or present a paper. Online applications are open from 2 to 30 March and the grants will be awarded on a competitive basis.

Download Call for Papers (PDF)